Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Photography Special Offers

We all like offers, in fact we must like them so much Asda even give out vouchers saying they will match any price.
I wont give out price beating vouchers, but will offer a great personal service at a fair price. I'm not the most expensive and not the cheapest. In fact those that are too cheap to believe will be for a reason.

I do regular special offers so people can try me, see my products and tell freinds. This is what building a business is all about. There is nothing better than getting good feedback and someone saying they have recommended me to a friend.
At the moment I'm doing a special offer for a 40x30 canvas with photoshoot for £130. This is a great price for the Doncaster, Retford area. The photoshoot is in my Harworth studio or in your home if local.
The canvas is thick, strong and will last.

Find me on facebook and keep an eye on my offers, the Lee Archer Photography page is simple to watch, just click Like.
There will be a BIG promotion coming soon with a chance to win a Massive prize. You ll need to like the page to be in with a chance to win. All il say for now is the prize is worth over £300.

Please visit and click like and the competition will be announced soon.
Thanks for reading.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Junes photography summary.

At least today it is anyway. Yesterday was showing signs of heat when I was photographing at a wedding in Finningly, near Doncaster.
I did feel like I would melt, and the church was so hot too, must say the Vicar was the most amusing yet. Really making an effort to make the visitors welcome and he was very helpful for us photographers. Not too dark in there either.
This leads me to a little bit of advice or tips on getting good photos when your at a wedding, as a gentleman asked me yesterday how to turn the flash off on hid dslr.
The gentleman had the camera set to fully auto, so the camera made all the decisions. This is the Box shape on the dial, I told him to set to P mode, and up the ISO setting (light sensitivity) without going into much detail this suited him, although AV setting is better and choose a high ISO and wide F stop.(aperture)
I actually shot fully manual, as I wanted to keep the shutter constant and it was bright enough to change the aperture and leave the ISO not too high.
Enough of the geek stuff, just thought id share a little, modern compacts also have some of these creative functions so have a good read of your manual, you'll get better images in tough situations.

Its been a quiet week of shoot, but alot of editing and sorting different little jobs that need doing but get left. I'm still running a basic shoot fee of £25 and offer a free 10x8 print with that, this is in my home studio in Harworth Doncaster (dn11). I can do  the same shoot inhome for around £30.
I will have to increase my prices soon to a more normal average of £35, mainly due to my insurance cost going up as i buy more equipment. The genuine photographers all need insurance so we can look after our customers should something go wrong.
Our mid range prices also include full editing to provide proper images, that are printed at proper labs.
I do keep my prices as low as possible as I work from home, but I also put alot of time into each and every shoot, and its impossible to deliver a high standard for very low cost.
The guys on facebook offering shoots and canvas for £30 will give very basic and sub par products for this. But il not say to not try them as that wouldn't be fair.

I hope to see you soon for a portrait shoot, pet shoot, or a wedding consultation. I also do commercial photography which involves events, and product shoots etc.
On my web page on the about section you'll see the feedback Ive received, maybe this will put any unsure minds to rest, that I deliver what i promise.

Have a lovely day in this heat, and if you have managed not to fall asleep through one of my blogs, well done lol
Email for any advice to improve your photography.


Sunday, 5 June 2011

Weekly update and basic camera review.

Hi to you all. I really should be writing the blog more often. Then I do write it and make spelling mistakes as I try and write it fast.
Anyway, Ive had a really busy week, im not complaining but it was soo hot. I was photographing a Housing roadshow in Northampton, Sleaford and Nottingham. A little different from the weddings and portraits I normally photograph. Infact Ive not done many studio shoots at all. I have done some smiley faces made with water droplets. which was very hard and still not perfect.

Inbetween all this photographing and also fitting in a portrait shoot and a karate Academy shoot, ive been editing. As other photographers will tell you, its not a 9-5 job. Last weeks wedding in Hull with a lovely couple Ian and Marcia is nearly finished. They were a lovely warm couple with great freinds and family.

Now ive nearly sent you to sleep with my actions for the week, I want to cover a question I was asked in the week.
"Lee, i want to buy a camera for general stuff, what do you recommend?"
It would be easy to say just go and buy a Canon and get the expensive one. But thats not really helping anyone. I do shoot with Canon and love it, but for compact cameras theres other things that will appeal more to the average user.
I certainly dont think you need to spend a fortune to get nice crisp images of your trips out and about. My dad bought a Samsung and went out photographing anything and everything, it has face recognition which has its ups and downs but he does get some nice photos. Infact he got one of a Seagull in Whitby and Id be proud to put it on the site, so close too.

Although I said dont spend a full weeks wage, I dont recommend the really cheap either, the vivitar sound good on paper, but dont deliver, mobile phone cam will be better.
There higher priced ones may be ok, but the cheap one I tested wasnt good. I do think the start price of around £49 is ideal, and the Kodak isnt too bad at all.
Ive tested it and its ok for general use, not good for close up.
The next id say would be ideal and its a canon. It actually has the same processor as alot of the pro dslr. Its a very good all rounder.

I know its easy to get lost in the amount of megapixels, but the really cheap camera has such a small sensor, which is the bit that catches the image like a film used to, that the megapixel count is useless. I do recommend you read all about the cameras, look at examples go and look at it, hold it. Ask people on facebook etc.
I dont mind answering emails and giving advice.
Dont forget that if your going out taking photos at night or landscapes etc, get a tripod, and a proper sized one. Also good for self portraits! Plenty of memory cards for holiday and days out, you can get 8gb cards for next to nothing now.

I hope this has been a little helpful. I will try and give a review on something else next week, email ideas if you like
and please do visit and view my images, thankyou