Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Friday, 27 July 2012

Quick July Update and what makes my prices

Hi to you all, I hope your making the best of our poor summer. I do hope we have some sunshine that will last a few days at least.
Today sees the start of the 2012 Olympic games held in London,. England. Theres mixed reviews today on Facebook about if its good or not, but I think its good if it all goes well.
On my facebook page I'm offering an extra 8x6 print this week and a free keyring to the first 5 to book a shoot. Just to celebrate the Olympics.

Our first Make-over day went well., Not as busy as I would have liked but with it being Tuesday, and the kids are off, it wasn't the best choice of day,. But alot have shown an interest in the next one, and images are going to be ready soon.

There is a common question surrounding Wedding Photographers, and that is, "why are they so expensive".

I thought id offer my "2 pence worth" here. Now, I'm not anywhere near as expensive as the Large city companies, or some of the local people. Id say im somewhere in the middle. But I agree even £499 is alot of money to most people. That's my basic price by the way, and the max is around £1500, but that includes alot.
Before I go further, Il use the phrase "we", and by that I mean professional photographers, who run a full time or serious part time business, and take it very serious.
The first point to highlight is equipment. We (there it is) bring very expensive equipment to photograph your day. The main camera will be around £3000 by the time we attach Lenses and external flash etc. Then we have other lenses for other effects, each lens are very expensive. I also have a full back-up system, so an extra camera and extra lenses, batteries etc. Just in case. All of this has to be insured so we have a hidden cost there. I'm also insured for full liability and Indemnity. As all professionals should be.
So before we even take a photograph, its costing alot.

Next is our time, I'm not really listing everything in order of importance, but as it pops into my head, but the average wedding can be from 5 hours to 9. All depending on the package. But then lets add travel to and from the wedding, the fuel, car costs etc. And the big part which is what is missed is the Edit time, and post production. There are some serious desk hours put into to edit the photographs. All go through a long process. Once this is done and you are shown your images, you may have chosen a book. Which takes time to  design and layout, send to you for approval then send to print.  You can see the pattern now, that theres alot to do after the Big day. And most packages also include a Pre-wedding photoshoot.

Im sure that seems like alot of waffle and I do waffle a little. But its important to know that the price you pay is for such a vast demanding service. The day itself is very demanding, and I read a fellow photographers blog other day and he was saying how he treats every wedding like the first, and is nervous inside until after the ceremony. I can relate to that, and its that dedication that gets you the results. Going through the motions on your day just isn't enough. Its your Big Day so I treat it like mine.

Once photographed, memories last a lifetime.

I cover Doncaster, Rotherham, Wakefield, Sheffield, Nottingham, Lincoln, anywhere but over 35 miles just ask.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Make-over Day Launch July 24th

Hi,. sorry for slow updates here, been busy with the Weddings and shows etc. But in between all that I managed a photoshoot with not only great Hair and make-up artist, but 2 great models.
The make-up is thanks to Jade O'meara and the Hair Nicola Critcher. The Models were Samantha Gratton and Jenni Bramley. Both very natural with the camera and lovely people to work with. The make-up and hair initially took 2 hours and both were free from moaning.
This first shot is one of them both.
Sam is on the left and Jenni the right. Both are available for Modelling work.. Contact me and Il pass your details on.

The next 2 images are of them on there own. The reason for this post will become evident at the end.

So this post is to show the quality of the Hair and Makeup,. I will be doing a make-over day on the 24th July. You will get the make-up, and hair( obviously less crazy than above) and your photograph taken by me. It includes 2 10x8 prints and is only £65. If I end up with 10 or more then Il only charge £60 each,
Il even make you a coffee or tea., there will be fruit and water etc too.

This is a great chance to pamper yourself. So if your Near Doncaster, Sheffield, Rotherham, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire get in touch. If its a success il run it regular. £10 deposit is required. call for more information.

#doncaster makeover photoshoot