The wedding season is well under way, and more people are booking for 2012. I do enjoy the consultation part of the wedding service. Its always good to talk about the various aspects of peoples weddings. Il soon be covering a wedding in Hull, then over to lincoln for one too. Although Im a Doncaster photographer, I do travel all over the region.
The studio has been quiet last week, I had some great design jobs to do using some of my photographs so that was an interesting week. Plus the wedding planning side of things kept me busy too.
The weather has been gorgeous, I managed to take a few photographs in Hastings on saturday, the old burnt pier was too much to resist, it was just a shame I couldnt get closer. The problem with photography in the sun is the sheer brightness, I wish I had a ND filter to reduce the light into the camera, giving better sky tones, I did use CP filter (circular polariser) which helps reduce glare etc, this is a must for you budding photographers taking photos of plants, water etc.
Check my facebook page for regular offers, on certain days you can have a mini photoshoot for £9.99. A great way to try our photography service here in harworth.
Until next time, thanks for reading.
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