Hi to you all, I seem to forget to do my blog regular, so here i am having a go at updating.
I have recently been luck enough to work on some websites, I get to do the photography and also help set up the sites.
I have a great supplier of websites, that provides a great service and the cost is great. And of course for a great website you need great photographs.
I have also helped improve the SEO of the sites, for those new to websites this is how well you get found on google.
We all love and use google so this is who we try and impress with our sites.
The site i have helped set up and done photography for is www.sugarbulletgundogs.co.uk and Ive enjoyed working on this project and getting different photos. Its not a world I know anything about and I have no opinion on the sport. I photograph a given subject and that's my job.
I can help anyone get a great website, and help with the general design and photographic side, email me for information.
I use the same company i did for my site, and my fitness site photo-flex is getting re-done very soon.
Im a NABBA approved photographer so need a better site to showcase those fitness photographs.
I am currently running a competition on the facebook page for lee archer photography, where people post a photograph and get people to like it, the highest winner gets a £25 photoshoot in my doncaster studio.
Its great to see people trying to get more likes and get more people on my page. I will soon do a really big competition for a wedding prize. This will take some planning so people can get a fair chance to win etc.
As far as weddings are going, 2012 is booking up fast, the summer months are going, August 2012 is getting busy. Its going to be a real pleasure being there.
This years weddings have been great so far, the weather has been kind to us so far too. I have a wedding in Nottingham on saturday, which will be lovely. The couple have a horse and cart so im looking forward to the magical images I can capture.
There is always new things happening at Lee Archer Photography, I'm getting new wedding books and designs, and also products to show off the quality I sell.
Ok so Ive plugged a few things I wanted to tell you, so now Il give my tip this weeks for the up coming photographers.
Some people like to take slow exposures during the day, this is impossible when the light is bright as the camera metering system will use fast shutter speeds.
Id your camera will take one you need a ND filter, (Neutral Density Filter) which reduces the amount of light entering the camera, thus you can slow down the shutter speed, ideal for rivers etc.
These can be found in many top stores, have a shop around, and for geeky answers about the type, like a ND4,8 etc which is the amount of light it stops, have a google.
I'm happy to offer more advice on this by email, please get in touch.
Please visit my site and have a browse, http://www.leearcherphotography.co.uk