Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

April Rain! photography challenge

Theres nothing worse than rain at the beginning of spring/summer to end plans to get out with the camera. I love getting out and photograping buildings, wildlife flowers.
I'm sure soon we will have the summer we have all been waiting for. Im working on a few projects to do some location shoots with some customers who like the outdoors.
A few who are returning customers like the idea of a photoshoot in Clumber park. We recently joined the National Trust so we can visit these places more often, not just to photograph but they are nice to relax too.
The life of a doncaster photographer can be all shoots and editing, so a trip to Clumber is lovely. We also recently visited Hardwich Hall. Another lovely place. We did take the cameras, however in the hall itself no Flash photography is allowed. My camera is great in low light so it was good to take a few images, I had the 17-40mm L lens on for wider shots.

The facebook page is busy and were ready to launch a new wedding competition. I recently gave away a free wedding package mid week and feel its a good idea to do it again. All we do to enter is ask for images to be emailed, we then put them in a folder and you get your friends to like the photo, and the page.
We run a weekly comp to give away a photoshoot and are thinking of new themes all the time, maybe you know a theme, then email us and let us know.

If your a keen photographer and want to freshen up your skills., get in touch. I don't mind giving advice and helping others. I may look at offering training later in the year on different aspects of photography so keep checking for that.

No doubt you came here from the website if not then theres the link.

I also work with a wedding planner, A Sparkle of Planning. A good new business that will help you plan your day. There on facebook and here is there website too. Well worth a visit,

Until next time, thankyou for reading.