Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Monday, 28 March 2011

Some basic camera tips

Hi, as promised im going to give you some basic camera tips. I know this is a blog about lee archer photography but it doesnt hurt to pass on some info so you can take better photos.
Il aim the advice at the beginner dslr user.
The first thing alot of people do when buying a new dslr is buy a big zoom lens, but before you part with your hard earned cash, think what you need the camera for, or what youll want to take photos of the most.

Some of the basic kit lenses are great, not really award winners but can deliver great results. I use Canon so il mostly cover that make. They usually come with a 18-55mm lens, which is nice for most photos, obviously the scope depends what size sensor you have, incase you dont understand what i mean il quickly explain. Most dslr are on a crop sensor, so its not a full 35mm sensor, it magnifies the lens image by 1.6. where as a full frame sensor is 1, as its a full 35mm.

If you want to photograph wildlife then youll probably need a big zoom, so aim for 200mm lens - 400mm so you can get close without spooking the animals. Canon do a 55-250mm lens, but youll not fit much in at close range on a crop sensor. 70-300 is also a good lens.

For flowers and general close up youll be ok with a kit lens, yes theres great alternatives like the L series lenses which are top notch, but to learn the basic lens are fine, you can get a good lens with IS which is Image Stabaliser, this will take some of the hand shaking out of the picture for better results, but this doesnt account for movement of an object.

For landscapes you need a nice wide angle lens, and on the crop (1.6) sensor youll need wider to get the benefit. A good guide is a sigma 10-20mm lens, very little zoom, but very wide angle to fit loads into the picture, so a mountain would fit in even if you were pretty close. there are varients you can get and the kit lens at 18mm at widest will give you nice photos, and even better on a full frame sensor.
You can get some good effects if you get really close to a subject with a very wide angle lense, makes them creative.

Tripods are essential to landscapes and alot of close up shots, especially where light is limited but il
 expand on the finer details of why we choose certain lenses next time, but in the meantime if you have any questions contact me through my site.