Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Weddings starting to book

Hi everyone, its the middle of march and the year is flying by, lee archer photography is taking more wedding bookings, which is good, so ive added some wedding package prices to the website. so you can view and see what you think. Theres something for most budgets, but I dont want to seem price orientated, the service i provide is great, very personal and the after sales service will take some beating.
Its been a busy month in a strange way, arranging new products, sorting out the display banner for the fayres and centres. Also my fitness photography department photo-flex is starting to get busier. I do alot for a magazine as ive probably mentioned and hope to help that grow more this year with exciting articles. I dont have a set working hours so ive plenty of time for crucial editing of your photo shoots.
Theres alot of photographers in doncaster at the minute, more than I thought, so get proper quotes, ask whats hidden, with me nothing is hidden, so you can rest assured youll pay what quoted, and you can pay by credit or debit card too, spreading the cost, see my previous blog.
I hope your all well, take care
Lee archer photography