Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Mount Pleasent Hotel Doncaster

I thought id share some photographs from a fantastic hotel in Doncaster. Mount Pleasent is a great wedding venue and highly respected hotel. The moment you drive into the car park you know you've arrived at a top rated hotel.
I was at the venue to photograph a model and get a feel for the place. I was using room 224 which is stunning. I was aiming for photographs that were elegant yet full of style, which is the reason I chose this hotel.
Here is an image of the model/bride sat relaxing against the large bed.
And also an image portrait on the bed.

The large window provided the natural light needed to make this work, using a wide aperture gives the background the nice blurry look to make the model stand out.
The shot below shows a bride posing for the camera, although the focus is her, the room creates a great backdrop.

Although this is a small selection of the photographs taken, I'm just covering the basics here, Il be adding more photographs to the gallery on later.
Here is a shot taken in the beautiful gardens.

Please visit the hotel website at you'll find all the information you need.

I will add more photos later and explain how I took them and my aim when getting them

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Its May, wheres the Sun in Doncaster

It doesn't look like were getting any sunshine any time soon. Doncaster is wet and rainy most days. But Ive still been busy and fortunate to have some nice weather for the jobs Ive done.
On the 6th of May I was working at a Christening in Retford, St Swithuns Church. It was actually a glorious day. Also a bank holiday so not alot else going on. Here is a photo of the Church when I arrived.

I was with the Family around 3 hours and got alot of lovely photographs, the church was fairly dark in places but was even with it, so still got great photos.

The rest of the week has been portraits with some fun families coming and some returning customers. There was a day when 3 separate competition winners came. This was from the Facebook competition to win a photoshoot that we do weekly. Its great, we let you upload a photo and get your friends to like it. Its simple and people have a great time. The page is at around 5300 people.

This weekend is the Nabba North East Championship at the Frontier Club at Batley. Im the official photographer for this event. I normally take over 1500 photographs. Its a long day but I love it. I will be preparing an article too for the Nabba Health and Fitness magazine. Ive actually got around 6 articles for the magazine again. I do enjoy this though. Ive now provided 2 covers for the magazine too. One day Il manage Flex, or Muscular Development.

Il be writing a blog next week about the photoshoot today at Mount Pleasant Hotel near doncaster on the Great North Rd, A stunning hotel with lots of new rooms and features. Also a very clean and well run hotel.
A big thanks to the management and staff for looking after us.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Star Wars Day 2012

Hi everyone. Now most people who know me know I love star wars films. Its something I like when relaxing. I love most sci fi films. Those that didnt understand it don't realise that film making and photography are very similar. The reason being, some edits require thinking out side of the box to get the results, alot like making a film and adding effects. Now yesterday was Star Wars fun day at burnley fc lancashire. The turn out was amazing. Dave Prowse the actor who played Darth Vader was there to meet people. So was the little man inside r2d2 Kenny Baker. There was some great actors also come and greet the fans. STEPHANIE ENGLISH - REBEL RADIO CONTROLLER (ESB) JOHN COPPINGER - WOOKIE SENATOR / GRAXOL KELVYYN (TPM) DEREK LYONS - REBEL HONOUR GUARD / MEDAL BEARER (ANH) BARRIE HOLLAND - LT RENZ (ROTJ) PAUL BLAKE - GREEDO (ANH) GARRICK HAGON - BIGGS DARKLIGHTER (ANH) ANTHONY FORREST -FIXER AND SANDTROOPER (ANH) DAVE PROWSE - DARTH VADER (ANH ESB ROTJ) IAN LISTON - WES JANSON (TESB) SIMON WILLIAMSON - MAX REBO (ROTJ) KENNY BAKER - R2D2 I was there for my own interest but as usual in my spare time I take my camera along. I managed to get some good photographs of all the star wars fans and characters. And some of me looking slightly geeky. But it was very busy and some photos were hard to get, but I managed. The only photoshop Ive done to some images is add some lightsaber colour and glow.
Alot of the characters were from and the 99th garrison. These people are always fund raising so look out for them soon. If anyone was at the event get in touch.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

A quick update

Ive just added this directory to my places to be found. Looks good so far.
Wedding Photographers Directory - Wedding Photography Select. Finding A Wedding Photographer Made Easy

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Commercial Photographer Doncaster

Hi again. I thought today id cover the other aspect of what I do. Commercial Photography.
Although I'm based in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, I do provide my service across the UK. Some companies send me products, I photograph them and return. But the service is more complex than that.
When I photograph products, there is a brief of what the client wants or what is advised by the designer if used for brochures or web. So I shoot a series of shots, and send to the client via Dropbox. www.dropbox.xom
I then await instructions on any changes needed, re shoot if needed, then complete the job by sending a disc or dropbox as required.
I offer Hi-res product photography and also extreme close up, ideal for Jewellery photography for example. I pride my self on clarity and quality of usable images.
Here is a shot of some impact protection foam.
The brief was to get profile shots, but also show there of a long length if required. I used a black backdrop, 2 Bowens flash heads and reflector to light and show off the image correctly. The reflection was added in photoshop.

Here is a shot of A Rubber Bellow.

This again was based on a brief to show the shape and context of the Bellow. I had 6 sizes to photograph and laying them flat wasn't an option as they are soft and lose shape. I had to make a rig in front of a black background, and create a system to support the bellow as to appear floating. Then remove any odd bits in photoshop.
All images are shot im my home photography studio Near Doncaster

For a quote in your product photography just email or call 01302746930