Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Star Wars Day 2012

Hi everyone. Now most people who know me know I love star wars films. Its something I like when relaxing. I love most sci fi films. Those that didnt understand it don't realise that film making and photography are very similar. The reason being, some edits require thinking out side of the box to get the results, alot like making a film and adding effects. Now yesterday was Star Wars fun day at burnley fc lancashire. The turn out was amazing. Dave Prowse the actor who played Darth Vader was there to meet people. So was the little man inside r2d2 Kenny Baker. There was some great actors also come and greet the fans. STEPHANIE ENGLISH - REBEL RADIO CONTROLLER (ESB) JOHN COPPINGER - WOOKIE SENATOR / GRAXOL KELVYYN (TPM) DEREK LYONS - REBEL HONOUR GUARD / MEDAL BEARER (ANH) BARRIE HOLLAND - LT RENZ (ROTJ) PAUL BLAKE - GREEDO (ANH) GARRICK HAGON - BIGGS DARKLIGHTER (ANH) ANTHONY FORREST -FIXER AND SANDTROOPER (ANH) DAVE PROWSE - DARTH VADER (ANH ESB ROTJ) IAN LISTON - WES JANSON (TESB) SIMON WILLIAMSON - MAX REBO (ROTJ) KENNY BAKER - R2D2 I was there for my own interest but as usual in my spare time I take my camera along. I managed to get some good photographs of all the star wars fans and characters. And some of me looking slightly geeky. But it was very busy and some photos were hard to get, but I managed. The only photoshop Ive done to some images is add some lightsaber colour and glow.
Alot of the characters were from and the 99th garrison. These people are always fund raising so look out for them soon. If anyone was at the event get in touch.