Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Its May, wheres the Sun in Doncaster

It doesn't look like were getting any sunshine any time soon. Doncaster is wet and rainy most days. But Ive still been busy and fortunate to have some nice weather for the jobs Ive done.
On the 6th of May I was working at a Christening in Retford, St Swithuns Church. It was actually a glorious day. Also a bank holiday so not alot else going on. Here is a photo of the Church when I arrived.

I was with the Family around 3 hours and got alot of lovely photographs, the church was fairly dark in places but was even with it, so still got great photos.

The rest of the week has been portraits with some fun families coming and some returning customers. There was a day when 3 separate competition winners came. This was from the Facebook competition to win a photoshoot that we do weekly. Its great, we let you upload a photo and get your friends to like it. Its simple and people have a great time. The page is at around 5300 people.

This weekend is the Nabba North East Championship at the Frontier Club at Batley. Im the official photographer for this event. I normally take over 1500 photographs. Its a long day but I love it. I will be preparing an article too for the Nabba Health and Fitness magazine. Ive actually got around 6 articles for the magazine again. I do enjoy this though. Ive now provided 2 covers for the magazine too. One day Il manage Flex, or Muscular Development.

Il be writing a blog next week about the photoshoot today at Mount Pleasant Hotel near doncaster on the Great North Rd, A stunning hotel with lots of new rooms and features. Also a very clean and well run hotel.
A big thanks to the management and staff for looking after us.