Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A little update, good news

Hello everyone.
I thought id share a few things that made me smile this last week or so. If you haven't been on my facebook page you'll not know.
Firstly an image i worked on for Claire fagans Nailz has won National Nail art photographic competition, first place. This was judged up in Scotland. It was also a print submission entry so 2 A4 prints were sent up. I love these projects as we get to really test what we can create.

The theme was Winter/spring. So for the winter we decided to go with what Britain does best, and Rain/lightning. Lizzie is our model.  And although here in Doncaster the weather is always dull, we had to create our own weather. So with step ladders, smoke bombs, lighting, power packs and water we headed to the garden. Here is the image we ended up with.

This was a simple 2 light set up, but the ratios and timing was key.

The Spring shot was done using natural light, really shallow depth of field and a warm reflector to add some glow. The idea was spring flowers, this came 3rd in another category.
Here is the image.

You wouldn't think it was a cold day, but it was dull either.

Now onto a recent shoot that I did just for fun really. I worked with my regular model Sam, and had the hair done by Passion in Hair from Harworth. Emma did a great job working with this concept to make my model look shocked from electricity. It was an idea i had been thinking of so we did it one sunday afternoon. It was a 3 light set up, with some things tweaked in photoshop using layers etc.

Here is the final electric shock image.

 No models were electrocuted  in this shoot lol.

If you would like your own custom shoot, extra photoshop etc, get in touch.
