Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Thought id share this, it wasnt written by me so all credit to the author.

Please follow this link, and read how important prints are and how keeping images on your pc is good but not fool proof. (its at the bottom)
I always recommend people use dropbox or your icloud to back up images, even your phone images., Some of those will be amazing memories. But get some printed. We all look back at photos from the past, our childhood etc. Im a 70's child so prints are all i have. In the future the pcs, hard drives will fail. And its sad to lose those memories.

I offer prints with all my shoots. I use a pro lab too so there printed perfect. Even with my wedding photography I will give some prints with the packages. But i also do discounted bulk deals that really work out at good value. Why? because ive already been a big part of your day, and you paid me well for that. So the prints dont need to be expensive. So why do I charge more for prints from photoshoots I hear you say.? Well the truth is the shoot fee doesnt cover my fee. My studio time, edit time, equipment costs, insurance and print costs. So rely on sales to make that up, Im still  a very fair price though. And do not push sales. So yes its a little gamble but thats how I work.
Which is why if you see deals where you get 6 shoots for £29 expect some pressure sales to make up that fee.

Anyway without wandering off subject too much here is the link. Youll find this nice reading, its well written and by a reliable source. I actually saw this on Tom Cairns page, another great photographer from the UK.

Lee Archer
Doncaster photographer