Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography

Monday, 26 November 2012

Why choose a professional photographer

How to Avoid the Disaster & Heartache Of Bad Wedding Photographs

By Paul Spiers & Ian Pack
National Photographic Society
If having a set of photographs to cherish from your wedding is important to you, then this could be the most important article you ever read!
With the advent of affordable, professional standard digital cameras, just about anyone can call themselves a professional photographer. It may come as a surprise to you but the law does not require a professional photographer to have any qualifications, training or experience! It is all too easy to get a website, some business cards, and an impressive looking camera and start calling yourself a wedding photographer, even if you have never been to a wedding.
I was discussing this with a group of new entrants into our industry recently and some of their statements made me cringe. I anticipate they would strike fear into the heart of most brides. Here are a couple of examples:-
“If a bride books someone who she later has to take to court because they didn’t produce a quality set of pictures, that is the brides own fault for not doing enough research”
“Not every bride can afford a wedding photographer. If I can keep costs down by not paying out for training, qualifications or insurance, I’m doing them a favour”
“As long as my pictures are better than those taken by her guests, the bride will be happy”
“I think brides accept that they won’t be getting professional standard pictures from me, they just need someone else to take the photos because they can’t do it themselves”
“I’m just hoping my boss never calls me in on a Saturday that I have a wedding booked.”
Each comment was made by a different person, all of whom are currently advertising themselves as professional wedding photographers.
Wedding photography is something that most people only ever buy once, and because of this, brides seldom know the potential pitfalls or what relevant questions to ask to sort the good from the bad. Remember, there are cowboys in every industry!
To help you choose the right wedding photographer for you and avoid the type who’s comments are displayed above, I have put together a list of tips to follow and questions to ask:
  1. Ask friends, work colleagues and family for recommendations.
    If they did a good job for your workmate, chances are they’ll do a good job for you.
  2. How many weddings has the person photographed alone?
    Do you want someone who’s still learning their trade or someone who has mastered it?
  3. How long have they been photographing weddings for payment?
    A statement such as “I photographed my first wedding in 2005” can be very misleading. This could have been their best friends wedding and they only started earning money from wedding photography last month.
  4. If they have not photographed many weddings, what training has the person received or have they worked with another photographer as an assistant or second photographer?
    We all have to start somewhere and every industry needs new blood. If you are on a very tight budget and can not afford to hire a professional, make sure any newcomer you consider hiring has taken their training and education seriously.
  5. Is the person a qualified member of a professional organisation such as the NPS (National Photographic Society)
    Industry recognised qualifications are shown as letters after the photographers name such as LNPS or ANPS. Having a degree in photography does not mean the person is a fit wedding photographer, as there is much more to wedding photography than just taking pictures.
  6. Does the person carry both Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurances?
    No one can guarantee that everything will go perfectly on your wedding day. Planning for the best is great, but a reputable business person will also prepare for the worst by having the appropriate insurance in place. Public liability protects you & your guests in the event of an accident. Professional indemnity insurance will pay out in the event of the photographer not delivering the promised results, loss of images or memory card failure etc. Because of the lack of professional indemnity insurance, many of the couples who have recently been awarded compensation by the courts, have still yet to receive any money from their photographer.
  7. Are they familiar with the health and safety requirements of the venue(s)?
    Most wedding venues have strict requirements for sub contractors using their premises. This will very often include PAT tested equipment, completing a risk assessment and having the appropriate insurance to indemnify the venue owners from the increased risk.
  8. Do they have back up equipment?
    If a photographer only has one camera, what do you think will happen if it develops a fault during your wedding?
  9. Is photography their only source of income?
    Many photographers claiming to be "professional" actually only photograph the odd wedding here and there to get some extra money. No law against that, but how committed will they be to delivering a quality service? When photography has to pay your mortgage and put food on the table, your whole focus is on making your clients happy, which may not be the case when photographing weddings is nothing more than a hobby and your day job pays the mortgage.
  10. Is their address and landline phone number on their stationary and website?
    If they do not, or only offer a PO Box number or mobile phone number, ask where they live before booking? If something should go wrong, how do you contact them after the event? A non-contract mobile phone number can very often be untraceable, even by the police.
  11. Do they have a comprehensive booking form with clear terms and conditions?
    Some people can be wary of signing contracts, but a written contract is as much in your interest as the photographers. Read all the terms and conditions prior to signing and make sure everything that you have agreed on is included.
  12.  Is the person you are speaking to the person who will photograph your wedding day?
    If not, ask to meet the photographer and see examples of their work before making a booking or entering into a contract. You will spend a big part of your wedding day with your photographer, its important to book someone you like.
  13. Are the photos they show you original images created by them and of real weddings? If you are not shown photographs of at least one complete wedding, beware!
    If you are being shown sample albums with no photos in, beware!
    If you are being shown album catalogues rather than actual albums, beware!
    Some people will attend one of the many “portfolio builder workshops” available to novices, where for a fee a professional photographer will set up a number of shots of models in wedding attire and allow people to take the photo as if they took it at a real wedding. A tell- tale sign of this is the photos are only of the bride and groom. Some people will assist professional photographers and take photos of their weddings, or just take photos of a family wedding. A tell-tale sign of this is the subjects never looking at the camera.
  14. Ask to see images from a whole wedding; preferably more than one wedding. Photographers will show you what they consider their best images. If they only show you a sample that contains one or two photographs from many different weddings, beware! A good photographer will have lots of images from a single wedding. Only showing a couple of images from each wedding could indicate they only took two decent pictures all day.
  15. Some photographers will tell you that they only work by available light as flash or supplementary lighting will spoil the atmosphere of your wedding.In all probability that person has no experience of working with other light sources. So what they are really telling you is that they have limited skills and unless the natural light is perfect on your wedding day, they won’t know what to do.
  16. Many photographers advertise themselves as photo-reportage or “fly-on-the-wall” unobtrusive photographers.Some photographers are brilliant at this as they trained and worked as freelance photo- journalists or for newspapers, some are just naturals. Expect to pay hefty fees for a good photo-journalist as they are in great demand. Other people are merely “snappers” and shoot like this because they do not have an eye for what makes a good image, are not able to “create” a good image and/or are not comfortable dealing with groups of people. Chances are they will only give you a collection of random images, often no better quality than what your guests take.
  17. You get what you pay for.
    We all love getting a deal and saving money, but a cheap starting price nearly always means low quality. Very often it can also mean hidden charges. If you buy cheap shoes and the sole falls off the first time you wear them, you can take them back. If you buy a cheap diamond ring which turns out to be a fake, you can take it back. If you hire a cheap plumber and they flood your house, you can get the house fixed up as good as new. In all these instances, if things go wrong they can be put right
    But your wedding day is a one shot deal so the photographer has one chance to get it right. If they don’t there is no coming back next week for another go, and even if you do, you will know the pictures are not of your wedding day, but of the day you staged to make up for your wedding photos being ruined by someone claiming to be a wedding photographer, who turned out to be nothing of the sort. By all means shop around for a good deal, but don’t decide based on price alone.
  18. Trusting a family member to photograph your wedding
    In the majority of cases, if you have a friend or relative with a good camera and ask them to photograph your wedding to save money they may say yes, but you have none of the comeback when something goes wrong. The photographer needs to have professional detachment in order to get the best images. A professional wedding photographer makes it look easy because she is a professional and has a vast wealth of experience to draw upon.
  19. Do they have a plan in place for if they can’t attend your wedding?
    They can tell you they have never missed a wedding yet, but there is always the first time. Accidents happen, usually when you least expect them. Reputable photographers will usually have links with other photographers and they cover for each other should the worst happen. Can they provide a named photographer who will shoot the same style to take their place?
  20. Do they only provide a disk of unprocessed images straight from the camera?
    If so, it is doubtful if they have any post-production or image processing skills. It could also be an indication that they have no arrangements with the suppliers used by the professionals.
  21.  Don't believe that it can be fixed in Photoshop.
    Image retouching and manipulation is a skill that has to be learnt over many years. There are no quick fixes. People new to photography do not realise this. Much of the time images need to be created with post-production or Photoshop in mind.
A Final Thought
Your photographer is charged with the task of recording your wedding day for you. They will be creating the only material thing that survives past the honeymoon. They will have to interact with the Vicar/Priest or registrar, the reception venue staff, your wedding planner (if you have one), the car drivers, the DJ/Band, the toastmaster (if you have one) and all of your guests. You will be spending a good proportion of your day with your photographer. They will have one eye on you all day, watching for the special moments that make great pictures.
This means your photographer is more than just a service supplier. To get the full return on your investment you will need to work with them before, during and after your wedding. So book someone you can get along with, someone who can work around and within your plans.
Good luck for your wedding day and for your future together.
Written by Paul Spiers & Ian Pack

I thought this was worth sharing. Lee Archer Doncaster South Yorkshire Photographer

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Canon 5d mk3 update

Well, as a little update with my opinion on the 5dmk3. I used it first at the Mr Universe show. all day with no grip, so it was hard. But at hi iso and with a custom WB it worked great. Noise is very low. I do shoot jpeg for shows as there's little to edit or save. With grip it is now so much better. i just like the balance.
In studio shooting raw i cant really see any difference. I don't expect to really compared to the 5dmk2 which works really well in studio. Ive not tested it with outdoors or weddings yet, I actually didn't take it to the last 2 as wanted to get used to it first. The faster fps is good at shows, Ive never really needed it, but with the people who dance and move fast it did help. Yet to try the tracking focus but its not something id trust until tested well.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Quick July Update and what makes my prices

Hi to you all, I hope your making the best of our poor summer. I do hope we have some sunshine that will last a few days at least.
Today sees the start of the 2012 Olympic games held in London,. England. Theres mixed reviews today on Facebook about if its good or not, but I think its good if it all goes well.
On my facebook page I'm offering an extra 8x6 print this week and a free keyring to the first 5 to book a shoot. Just to celebrate the Olympics.

Our first Make-over day went well., Not as busy as I would have liked but with it being Tuesday, and the kids are off, it wasn't the best choice of day,. But alot have shown an interest in the next one, and images are going to be ready soon.

There is a common question surrounding Wedding Photographers, and that is, "why are they so expensive".

I thought id offer my "2 pence worth" here. Now, I'm not anywhere near as expensive as the Large city companies, or some of the local people. Id say im somewhere in the middle. But I agree even £499 is alot of money to most people. That's my basic price by the way, and the max is around £1500, but that includes alot.
Before I go further, Il use the phrase "we", and by that I mean professional photographers, who run a full time or serious part time business, and take it very serious.
The first point to highlight is equipment. We (there it is) bring very expensive equipment to photograph your day. The main camera will be around £3000 by the time we attach Lenses and external flash etc. Then we have other lenses for other effects, each lens are very expensive. I also have a full back-up system, so an extra camera and extra lenses, batteries etc. Just in case. All of this has to be insured so we have a hidden cost there. I'm also insured for full liability and Indemnity. As all professionals should be.
So before we even take a photograph, its costing alot.

Next is our time, I'm not really listing everything in order of importance, but as it pops into my head, but the average wedding can be from 5 hours to 9. All depending on the package. But then lets add travel to and from the wedding, the fuel, car costs etc. And the big part which is what is missed is the Edit time, and post production. There are some serious desk hours put into to edit the photographs. All go through a long process. Once this is done and you are shown your images, you may have chosen a book. Which takes time to  design and layout, send to you for approval then send to print.  You can see the pattern now, that theres alot to do after the Big day. And most packages also include a Pre-wedding photoshoot.

Im sure that seems like alot of waffle and I do waffle a little. But its important to know that the price you pay is for such a vast demanding service. The day itself is very demanding, and I read a fellow photographers blog other day and he was saying how he treats every wedding like the first, and is nervous inside until after the ceremony. I can relate to that, and its that dedication that gets you the results. Going through the motions on your day just isn't enough. Its your Big Day so I treat it like mine.

Once photographed, memories last a lifetime.

I cover Doncaster, Rotherham, Wakefield, Sheffield, Nottingham, Lincoln, anywhere but over 35 miles just ask.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Make-over Day Launch July 24th

Hi,. sorry for slow updates here, been busy with the Weddings and shows etc. But in between all that I managed a photoshoot with not only great Hair and make-up artist, but 2 great models.
The make-up is thanks to Jade O'meara and the Hair Nicola Critcher. The Models were Samantha Gratton and Jenni Bramley. Both very natural with the camera and lovely people to work with. The make-up and hair initially took 2 hours and both were free from moaning.
This first shot is one of them both.
Sam is on the left and Jenni the right. Both are available for Modelling work.. Contact me and Il pass your details on.

The next 2 images are of them on there own. The reason for this post will become evident at the end.

So this post is to show the quality of the Hair and Makeup,. I will be doing a make-over day on the 24th July. You will get the make-up, and hair( obviously less crazy than above) and your photograph taken by me. It includes 2 10x8 prints and is only £65. If I end up with 10 or more then Il only charge £60 each,
Il even make you a coffee or tea., there will be fruit and water etc too.

This is a great chance to pamper yourself. So if your Near Doncaster, Sheffield, Rotherham, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire get in touch. If its a success il run it regular. £10 deposit is required. call for more information.

#doncaster makeover photoshoot

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Mount Pleasent Hotel Doncaster

I thought id share some photographs from a fantastic hotel in Doncaster. Mount Pleasent is a great wedding venue and highly respected hotel. The moment you drive into the car park you know you've arrived at a top rated hotel.
I was at the venue to photograph a model and get a feel for the place. I was using room 224 which is stunning. I was aiming for photographs that were elegant yet full of style, which is the reason I chose this hotel.
Here is an image of the model/bride sat relaxing against the large bed.
And also an image portrait on the bed.

The large window provided the natural light needed to make this work, using a wide aperture gives the background the nice blurry look to make the model stand out.
The shot below shows a bride posing for the camera, although the focus is her, the room creates a great backdrop.

Although this is a small selection of the photographs taken, I'm just covering the basics here, Il be adding more photographs to the gallery on later.
Here is a shot taken in the beautiful gardens.

Please visit the hotel website at you'll find all the information you need.

I will add more photos later and explain how I took them and my aim when getting them

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Its May, wheres the Sun in Doncaster

It doesn't look like were getting any sunshine any time soon. Doncaster is wet and rainy most days. But Ive still been busy and fortunate to have some nice weather for the jobs Ive done.
On the 6th of May I was working at a Christening in Retford, St Swithuns Church. It was actually a glorious day. Also a bank holiday so not alot else going on. Here is a photo of the Church when I arrived.

I was with the Family around 3 hours and got alot of lovely photographs, the church was fairly dark in places but was even with it, so still got great photos.

The rest of the week has been portraits with some fun families coming and some returning customers. There was a day when 3 separate competition winners came. This was from the Facebook competition to win a photoshoot that we do weekly. Its great, we let you upload a photo and get your friends to like it. Its simple and people have a great time. The page is at around 5300 people.

This weekend is the Nabba North East Championship at the Frontier Club at Batley. Im the official photographer for this event. I normally take over 1500 photographs. Its a long day but I love it. I will be preparing an article too for the Nabba Health and Fitness magazine. Ive actually got around 6 articles for the magazine again. I do enjoy this though. Ive now provided 2 covers for the magazine too. One day Il manage Flex, or Muscular Development.

Il be writing a blog next week about the photoshoot today at Mount Pleasant Hotel near doncaster on the Great North Rd, A stunning hotel with lots of new rooms and features. Also a very clean and well run hotel.
A big thanks to the management and staff for looking after us.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Star Wars Day 2012

Hi everyone. Now most people who know me know I love star wars films. Its something I like when relaxing. I love most sci fi films. Those that didnt understand it don't realise that film making and photography are very similar. The reason being, some edits require thinking out side of the box to get the results, alot like making a film and adding effects. Now yesterday was Star Wars fun day at burnley fc lancashire. The turn out was amazing. Dave Prowse the actor who played Darth Vader was there to meet people. So was the little man inside r2d2 Kenny Baker. There was some great actors also come and greet the fans. STEPHANIE ENGLISH - REBEL RADIO CONTROLLER (ESB) JOHN COPPINGER - WOOKIE SENATOR / GRAXOL KELVYYN (TPM) DEREK LYONS - REBEL HONOUR GUARD / MEDAL BEARER (ANH) BARRIE HOLLAND - LT RENZ (ROTJ) PAUL BLAKE - GREEDO (ANH) GARRICK HAGON - BIGGS DARKLIGHTER (ANH) ANTHONY FORREST -FIXER AND SANDTROOPER (ANH) DAVE PROWSE - DARTH VADER (ANH ESB ROTJ) IAN LISTON - WES JANSON (TESB) SIMON WILLIAMSON - MAX REBO (ROTJ) KENNY BAKER - R2D2 I was there for my own interest but as usual in my spare time I take my camera along. I managed to get some good photographs of all the star wars fans and characters. And some of me looking slightly geeky. But it was very busy and some photos were hard to get, but I managed. The only photoshop Ive done to some images is add some lightsaber colour and glow.
Alot of the characters were from and the 99th garrison. These people are always fund raising so look out for them soon. If anyone was at the event get in touch.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

A quick update

Ive just added this directory to my places to be found. Looks good so far.
Wedding Photographers Directory - Wedding Photography Select. Finding A Wedding Photographer Made Easy

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Commercial Photographer Doncaster

Hi again. I thought today id cover the other aspect of what I do. Commercial Photography.
Although I'm based in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, I do provide my service across the UK. Some companies send me products, I photograph them and return. But the service is more complex than that.
When I photograph products, there is a brief of what the client wants or what is advised by the designer if used for brochures or web. So I shoot a series of shots, and send to the client via Dropbox. www.dropbox.xom
I then await instructions on any changes needed, re shoot if needed, then complete the job by sending a disc or dropbox as required.
I offer Hi-res product photography and also extreme close up, ideal for Jewellery photography for example. I pride my self on clarity and quality of usable images.
Here is a shot of some impact protection foam.
The brief was to get profile shots, but also show there of a long length if required. I used a black backdrop, 2 Bowens flash heads and reflector to light and show off the image correctly. The reflection was added in photoshop.

Here is a shot of A Rubber Bellow.

This again was based on a brief to show the shape and context of the Bellow. I had 6 sizes to photograph and laying them flat wasn't an option as they are soft and lose shape. I had to make a rig in front of a black background, and create a system to support the bellow as to appear floating. Then remove any odd bits in photoshop.
All images are shot im my home photography studio Near Doncaster

For a quote in your product photography just email or call 01302746930

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Bridal dress shoot and commercial

A few weeks ago I did a bridal dress shoot at Best Brides, Barnsley. It was a good shoot and the models had a good time. I'm still working on tweaking the edits, each time I go back I feel theres something to change. But that's photography. We photographed 9 dresses in 3 hours which isn't bad. We had hair and make-up by face-art Sheffield.

Once the edits are mastered I will be putting some images in the shop to show off dresses and a little about me. Also very nice for the models portfolios.

The above image was a Barnsley girl, I took 2 models I know and found Jade as the 3rd. A good choice for the day.

Above is Lisa. A friend who is returning to modelling. All 3 have had great feedback on the images they have. All may be available for work if you want to contact me about it.

This weeks has been different again,. Commercial work taking over and working on Rubber Bellows and Foam protectors. I was presented with the task and also problem with these products, as the rubber was soft so most positions made them look out of shape and not show there actual form.
To get round this I sat in my studio and eventually came up with a rig to support them and still keep there shape. Used a black background for these too. I will post images once client is using them.
It may sound odd, but some inspiration on how to tackle shoot problems came from watching the making of a film I liked. The way the simple ideas can actually solve the hardest problems.
So that's the week of a Doncaster based photographer. Its raining like crazy here in Bircotes but I'm editing today and its warm in the office. have a good day.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

April Rain! photography challenge

Theres nothing worse than rain at the beginning of spring/summer to end plans to get out with the camera. I love getting out and photograping buildings, wildlife flowers.
I'm sure soon we will have the summer we have all been waiting for. Im working on a few projects to do some location shoots with some customers who like the outdoors.
A few who are returning customers like the idea of a photoshoot in Clumber park. We recently joined the National Trust so we can visit these places more often, not just to photograph but they are nice to relax too.
The life of a doncaster photographer can be all shoots and editing, so a trip to Clumber is lovely. We also recently visited Hardwich Hall. Another lovely place. We did take the cameras, however in the hall itself no Flash photography is allowed. My camera is great in low light so it was good to take a few images, I had the 17-40mm L lens on for wider shots.

The facebook page is busy and were ready to launch a new wedding competition. I recently gave away a free wedding package mid week and feel its a good idea to do it again. All we do to enter is ask for images to be emailed, we then put them in a folder and you get your friends to like the photo, and the page.
We run a weekly comp to give away a photoshoot and are thinking of new themes all the time, maybe you know a theme, then email us and let us know.

If your a keen photographer and want to freshen up your skills., get in touch. I don't mind giving advice and helping others. I may look at offering training later in the year on different aspects of photography so keep checking for that.

No doubt you came here from the website if not then theres the link.

I also work with a wedding planner, A Sparkle of Planning. A good new business that will help you plan your day. There on facebook and here is there website too. Well worth a visit,

Until next time, thankyou for reading.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

April Update, why book us?

Hi, thought id best put a few words on my blog, everytime I write one I realise its been a while. So whats new and prompted me to blog?
Well, the year is going fast, and we have upgraded the home studio. A friend John Wright plasterd it all for me, and that looks great.  Newer lights to add to the bowens collection, some new softboxes etc. I have 3 Large vinyl backdrops,. black, Grey and white Lasolite.
I also have some custom backdrops for head shots, baby photos etc so alot of choice.
Added 3 new lenses to the collection in the last few months, Only the L lens standard but ones Im comfortable with. Its all a little boring I know, but the point is we just keep investing in the business so you get a great service and great photographs.

I read a fellow photographers blog and agreed with something he wrote. In reference to some people who offer to photograph a full says wedding for £100, and obviously we start from £425. We take back-up cameras, lenses and other accessories like flashes. Always more than one of each just in case something breaks or maybe is lost. The key is still photographing the important day even if something goes wrong, add to that full Insurance.
These are questions you should ask anyone who offers to photograph your day. Especially if its really cheap. But ask anyway. The other questions you should ask are, What happens if the Church is dark? I use top range cameras and lenses that cope well in low light.
What happens if the camera dies? I carry a full back-up system, extra batteries, memory cards, flash.
Are you fully Insured.? Liability and Indemnity Insurance.
Ask to see a website, facebook page and feedback from other people.

Our Facebook competition is going well. over 5000 people enjoy the page now, theres a competition each week to win a photoshoot, and Ive just run the first wedding competition. I gave away a wedding worth £325, midweek wedding deal.
The page isn't just filled with Local Doncaster people, ive looked and we have Thailand, Australia, USA, Russia. In fact nearly every country. So for a small Doncaster photography business its being seen all over the world.
Ive recently had another magazine cover for Nabba Health and fitness, and NRG have my image and name on there posters, which are in nearly every gym in the UK. Im photographing a few shows this year again. And will be writing around 5 or 6 articles for the next magazine. This doesn't leave alot of time for much else, but I love my work.
If you want any information on anything covered in the blog just get in touch. If your a keen photographer and want some advice, get in touch.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

New canvas designs

Here is a sample of one of our new canvas designs, totally gorgeous, email for more info.
Prices from £110
Also here is a sample of our new backdrop

Monday, 6 February 2012

Welcome to 2012 Lots to do....

Yet another late blog. I'm rubbish with remembering to do it. Anyway, here i am. I last posted in December, and its already February.
2012 is flying by already. Ive taken alot of wedding bookings since January, just taken another for August and Ive 2 wedding Fayre's to do yet. I had a lovely day with Brian & Gemma on saturday at the Charnwood Hotel in Blyth. We got bad snow before the drive home which was pretty scary. But got some lovely images.

I have been purchasing new products and backdrops to offer a more vast range of shoots. Yes I can do the black, white and grey, but if you find that a little boring then we have some lovely Damask wallpaper backdrops, ideal for the toddler or baby.
Im just looking at some new studio lights and explorer battery packs to power the Bowens lights on locations where theres no power, so alot to look forward to.
These are mostly for the gym shoots I do as photo-flex(my fitness dept). Were equipped with a full battery powered setup anyway, but I want more power!

Enough of the new stuff I'm just a geek with new products.

Our facebook competition is going well. Its hard work some weeks with the settings etc, but most really enjoy it, over 4000 likes is really good and we appreciate it. It must be popular as other companies are trying it too lol.

Just made front cover of the Nabba magazine Health & Fitness again. My Mr Universe images from 2011. Bit of a proud moment as a photographer. I get to work with some great people, some have become good Friends too, Ive been going to the gym since I was 11years old, boxing at Harworth boxing club and love the gym scene. As official Nabba photographer and writer for the magazine I have a lot of fun with my job. So far Ive worked with Boxers, MMA fighters, Bodybuilders, Fitness Models and the companies that sponsor them.
Il be doing a lot more work with Gary Lister this year as he prepares for his Mr Universe return sponsored by NRG FUEL sports nutrition.
Gary now offers contest prep from his gym in Harworth, Doncaster.  Listers Gym. email me for more info

If you would like any information on anything we do please do call or email.
We offer great customer service, great products always use market leading equipment and products.
Thanks for reading and see you soon